mechanic inspecting engineIf you’re looking for a Mobile Mechanic in Coventry or Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire, then the website we launched a month ago for AW Autotek has made that a bit easier.

From not appearing at all in the first five pages of Google with their old site it’s now on page one or two for the two terms we are benchmarking for:

  • Mobile Mechanic in Coventry
  • Mobile Mechanic in Warwickshire

This has been without any ongoing SEO work but just our carefully planned launch process that we carry out for any website that we design, as well as a site that’s built with both the visitor and the search engine in mind, not just a pretty face. Details like highlighting contact details using microformats and ensuring we register the site with both Google and Bing Webmaster tools submitting a sitemap as we do. As Alan from AW Autotek says:

“Why waste your valuable time trying to do your own websites & getting them on the front page of search engines when you can get Real Point to do it for you & you can focus on running your business and doing things that pay? I’m very impressed with the time saving and the results!”

If you want to improve your search engine results but aren’t sure where to start then consider our localised SEO programme which helps companies maintain and improve their online marketing in their local area.

And if you do need a mobile mechanic, I would definitely recommend giving AW Autotek a call. They come to your office or home, saving you having to hang around a garage wasting time or trying to organise a lift and also will do the car servicing or repair work out of hours, helpful if you rely on your car during the day!