Shop reopening after Covid LockdownTentative steps

The first tentative steps are being taken to reopen small business premises to customers, including the phased reopening of shops and hospitality.

  • Shops were able to reopen on June 15
  • Some outdoor leisure and sporting activities have been able to reopen during June from golf courses to zoos
  • Some hospitality services may be allowed to re-open from July

Does ONLINE stop now OFFLINE returns?

Many small businesses have turned online during the past few months to find new ways of doing business, now as we start to return to the ‘old ways’ of doing business does this mean we can stop ‘online’?

Our response to that is an emphatic ‘No’ and so we thought we’d share a few tips for you to consider on how you can use your online presence to maximise the benefits of re-opening.

Our top tips for making the most of ONLINE as you re-open OFFLINE

  • When are you open?
    Make sure you update the times you’re open on your Google My Business listing, as businesses start to reopen, times that you used to be open maybe shorter so make sure you are letting your customers know, while you are there also make sure that the contact number and email address is up to date.
  • Be Social
    Keep in touch with your customers, by being active on your social media channels, whether that be Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. Showing your customers how you’re making the space feel safe, will demonstrate you care about their wellbeing and encourages them to return.
  • Incentives
    Now may be the time to give your customers a percentage off or an incentive to make them want to shop with you, it can also help to try and sell the stock you would have sold the previous months if it wasn’t for lockdown.
  • Email
    Use your database, use email marketing platforms to engage regularly with customers, letting them know what’s happening, how you’re going to be operating and what offers or new products and services you are launching.
  • BEIS #OpenForBusiness Campaign
    The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is encouraging business owners and shop workers to take photos in front of their ‘open’ sign during this week and post these on their social media channels as part of the #OpenForBusiness Campaign.
  • Local Schemes
    Engage with local authority schemes or business organisations who are running campaigns to encourage people to support small businesses. Often you mention them on social media or use the #tag they are using they will share your content on to a wider audience, like this one in Warwickshire. If you’re an FSB member then speak to your local representative who will normally be able to signpost you to such schemes.
  • Advertising
    Use localised Facebook and Google advertising to make sure customers know you’ve reopened and reach out to new customers.

We would love to help

If you’re concerned about ‘doing it right’ or just finding the time, we would love to help you. We know that times have been challenging but now more than ever is the time to invest into your company, to help it adapt and push it back to where it was and beyond!

We have new packages for everything from marketing materials to ongoing social media management, SEO, Google AdWords, helping rebuild or creating a new e-commerce website. And these are all carefully designed to work within the tight budgets that we all have right now.

Even if you don’t think you can afford to spend any money right now we’re still happy to have a chat and point you in the right direction, drop [email protected] an email or give us a call on 01676 521 444, we’d love to help.