Do you like challenges? I love them, I enjoy the chance to stretch myself, pushing myself a bit harder. It could be creatively – making a client stand out from the crowd. It could be technically – developing a website that pushes the boundaries of what’s possible.

The bike for the big challenge

However, next week it’s not a client who’s setting me a big challenge, but myself and it’s my legs being challenged not my brain. I’ve always enjoyed cycling, but the last few years I haven’t kept up the training, so to get myself back into shape I set myself the big challenge of cycling round the North coast of Scotland. My Dad’s joining me (who hasn’t let himself get out of shape) and we’ll be cycling around 400 miles over some pretty hilly terrain. If you want to give us a bit of extra encouragement you can sponsor us via JustGiving.

So how does Real Point‘s skill set fit into this? We’ve set up a blog for the ride which makes use of several social media services. We’re also using an iPhone app, Cyclemeter, which allows us to live update our Twitter feed with our progress. We plan to use the iPhone to update all aspects of the blog while we’re on the ride – from taking photos and uploading straight to our Flickr feed, updating the blog using the WordPress app, keeping followers up to date with Tweetdeck, which allows us to quickly up date Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin.

So if you’ve got a big challenge, why not see if the creativity at the Real Point office can help you? And if you want to know more about effective use of social media on the move, just give us a call.

But most importantly – what big challenge are you going to set yourself?