If your social media is not delivering the results you expect, why not have it reviewed by our team?
Until 31st July 2014 we are running a special offer of £99 excl. VAT (usually £250) for a social media review.

We will benchmark your social media presence against 2 of your nominated competitors and provide a  series of recommendations on how to improve your campaign.

We will look at the following to evaluate how effective your social media strategy is and highlight your strengths and identify your weaknesses.

Awareness and Presence: 
How aware are people of your brand in the context of social media, measured  by the number of followers or likes you have, and what are they saying about you?

Brand Approach:
Do you have a consistent brand approach across all the networks you use?

What type of content are you posting and how effective is the content? Is it being re-shared, is it resulting in engagement or conversion? Is it easy to re-share your content?

How interested are people in you and what you have to say and how can you improve on this? This is measured by the engagement and clicks of your fans.

Once you have the interest of your followers, how many interactions are leading to enquiries or sales for your business?

Give us a call on 01676 521 444 or drop us an email.