FSB Conference 2016 - GoogleIt was fascinating to hear from Dr Frederick Pferdt, Head of Innovation and Creativity Programs at Google, at the FSB Policy conference 2016 which our MD is attending today. He started off with some of the ways technology and innovative thinking has disrupted marketplaces:

  • Uber – a taxi for with no taxis
  • Air BnB – a hotel firm for people everywhere
  • Tesla – a sports car powered by battery

He told various stories that demonstrated allowing yourself and those you work with to think creatively and “shoot for the moon”, to ask the “what if” and “and so…” questions are vital for your business if it wants to come up with the ideas which will drive its growth, with the warning alongside it that to fail to innovate will end in demise.

Often to come up with innovative ideas, you need to have a good understanding of technology and innovations happening in that space, that’s something at Real Point we believe is vital and is one of the “value adds” we add to the discussions when we help clients develop their online plans, offering ideas on how they can do even more than they imagined online.

So what new idea are you going to implement today to grow your business and how can Real Point help to make it happen?