Why write, when you can speak?

Video is no longer only available to big corporates with deep pockets. Anyone with a story to tell can now share it visually and the impressive results it delivers for your marketing cannot be ignored. 8 billion videos are watched every day on Facebook alone and with 135% improvement in reach compared to photos.

Why is it important?

Four times as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it and most will actively seek out video content when making a buying decision. Companies that use video see a 34% improvement in conversion rates. If you want to see those big stats working for you, video needs to be a part of your online marketing content.

What should I do?

Start by thinking about the questions you get asked about your products and services, answering these make great short video clips to share. Talk to your customers, a video of a customer testimonial is a great selling tool. Rather than describing your product in a long list of bullet points, why not film a product demo?

Many, though, find creating video content challenging, that’s where we can help. We plan and film some great short videos that will have your customers watching right to the credits.

Give us a call today and let’s start storyboarding your video.

Special Offer till 31 January 2018

We’re offering our video blog session where we record three video blogs (vlogs) edit and publish them for you, normally £700 but book it before the end of January and save 50%.