Businesses often complain that they don’t have the time to update their own websites because of their work overload. But, for many of us, our diaries are now not quite as full as they were, so now is exactly the time (while you have the time) to revisit your website and make sure that it’s up to date and giving the message you want. Your online presence could never be more vital than it is right now, it may well be your ONLY “shop window” for a while.

This is also the time to look at your marketing campaigns and take an in-depth look into the performance of past efforts. Taking a close look will show you what areas work well for you and what your audience has engaged with the most. As we start to come out of the current challenges it will ensure you are best placed to succeed.

Online Marketing Areas to Consider

  • SEO – where do you as a business rank on Google, are you on the first page? Are you listed on all the directories with correct opening hours and the right address, many people often change business addresses and forget to update them on their online directories, you don’t want to lose sales. Do you have a Google listing page? Most people when they search for companies online will often click on the Google listing before scrolling down the search results so this gives you a better chance over your competition.
  • Website content – are you sending out the right message, have you updated your blogs with recent stories about your business, now is the time.
  • Social Media – Look at what social media channels you have, are you missing out on Instagram, for example, if you have a business where you sell a product. It’s a perfect platform for you to showcase your products with the right hashtags you will broaden your audience and create new sales.
  • Videos – have you considered video? Whilst scrolling down your social media channels you can’t escape that every other post is now a video. It creates engagement and is a great way to get people to learn about what you are about and what you are selling. You don’t need any fancy equipment, just your mobile phone and ideally a tripod (or some way of holding it steady).
  • Marketing Materials – are your brochures up to date or are the contents, images and design outdated? Take this opportunity to plan how you can improve.

Strengthening these areas in your business while you have the time is the best way to ensure you’re ready when we come out the other side. Keeping your business marketing up to date and fresh will maintain your customers and sales when the corona virus has stopped disrupting everyone’s businesses.

At Real Point we are encouraging any businesses that aren’t using their online marketing to its full potential to put it right to prevent losing out on sales and business opportunities and in the current climate. If you’re finding you don’t have the time or are uncertain on some of the implementation, we can help on all these areas from SEO, account management for your social media, designing and creating marketing materials and filming and editing videos for your business. Email us at [email protected] or give us a call on 01676 521 444.