Email marketingWe’re all keen to send out our news, helpful articles and yes, our sales messages to as many potential customers as possible. But when adding people to our email lists are we perhaps a little too overeager?

Following a recent email newsletter sent out from Real Point, as well as several emails back commenting on how useful (and enjoyable) they’d found our content, I also had one from someone whose opinion I value, questioning how he’d been added to my list. He was confident he hadn’t asked to be, and expressed disappointment that I’d therefore added him without permission.

His concern gets to the heart of the issue of what is also a legal requirement in this country, that all email marketing should be to “opt in” only recipients. I’m a big believer in that principle, but what counts as “opt in”?

Adding someone without consent can at best increase the risk of someone flagging an email as spam and at worst can damage your brand perception if they are unhappy about what has happened and tell others.

So this post is really a request for your feedback. What do you feel is the right and the wrongs of adding subscribers to your list? What would annoy you and what would you do or not do in your business?

I hope to do a follow up post with the summary of my planned further research into this but I would love to hear your views. Please post your comments below, tweet or email me.