by ian | Jan 24, 2012 | Business Thinking, Design |
Starting a new business or got a new product on the boil? One of the hardest challenges for a new business venture is coming up with a great name. The following are some of the tips we share with clients when we start working with them on the launch of a brand... by ian | Aug 22, 2011 | Business Thinking, Design, Legal |
One of the questions we often get asked is about the ins and outs of website law, to which we replay “we’re not legal experts” and point people in the direction of someone who is, or at! One such expert is Richard Jenkins of Claric Legal... by chriscooper | Apr 21, 2011 | Business Thinking, Social Media |
Last week, I attended a workshop at Birmingham City Football Club (not representative of my football team – I don’t have one!). Entitled ‘The Secrets of Social Media Success’, I felt I should go along and see if I could pick up any new tips to improve how we use... by ian | Mar 31, 2011 | Business Thinking, General |
Real Point were recently asked and accepted the opportunity to sponsor a Tag Rugby tournament which was being started at Balsall Common Primary School with four schools from across the Solihull area. Today, I had the privilege of going along to the first event and... by chriscooper | Jan 13, 2011 | Business Thinking, Design, Social Media |
Blogging is one of those “newfangled things” that people in business often seem to struggle with. Not that they’re particularly ‘new’ anymore. The term ‘blog’ has been around for over a decade, but their general association with technology, news and personal... by ian | Nov 24, 2009 | Business Thinking, General |
I had the privilege today of presenting the Award for Enterprise at the West Midlands Prince’s Trust Awards. The stories from the young people, the difficulties they have overcome and the new businesses and community initiatives they have created were humbling...