How to claim your website on Pinterest

How to claim your website on Pinterest

A quick question we were recently asked by one of our clients, Artist – Jessica Brown, was how to claim her website on Pinterest. As an artist selling original paintings and limited edition prints of her work, it was important that she knew when content was...
Get Social in 2018

Get Social in 2018

What are your customers saying about you? “Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.” Jeff Bezos, Amazon …and the room, these days, is often social media. Whether you’re engaging or not, your customers will be talking about you...
Social Media Review

Social Media Review

If your social media is not delivering the results you expect, why not have it reviewed by our team? Until 31st July 2014 we are running a special offer of £99 excl. VAT (usually £250) for a social media review. We will benchmark your social media presence against 2...